Monday, May 5, 2008

Lake House Visit

Brian's Trophy Bass

On Saturday Kate and I drove to Chicago again for the baby shower of a good family friend Lynn Politzki. It was great to see them, Lynn looked beautiful, and the shower was great. We can't wait to meet their little baby in late June. Brian took the Megabus in on Sunday night to have a marathon day of relaxing and fishing. He already has a huge catch for the day!

CLICK HERE for Video of Brian's Catch!

Kate has been advancing by leaps and bounds the last couple of days, I can barely keep up. (The next blog post may be a big one with lots of developmental updates.) One of her biggest accomplishments is now rolling over from her back to her tummy. Kate loves her new found mobility. In the new porta-crib my Mom bought for her house, Kate rolls on her side, grabs the bars of the crib with her hands, pushes at the bars with her feet, uses the crib slats as kind of a ladder, and manages to squirm herself around the perimeter of the porta crib. This advanced development is kind of cute at first and a little exciting, however, not so much when she is supposed to be sleeping or gets herself stuck. She is almost too active for her and our own good!


Anonymous said...

I don't know who is cuter-my son or granddaughter!!!!! What great pics! Seems like you are having such fun!!! My son the fisherman and my granddaughter the athlete! Love, Gammie

Anonymous said...

should have washed that fish off!!!

Anonymous said...

What fun it was to read about Kate's development....seems like she's doing some pretty sophisticated stuff! She's absolutely adorable surprise there....look at her parents (and grandparents!) Love, The Winterhoffs