Friday, May 9, 2008

Kate Developments

Kate is growing so fast. The last week or so has brought some neat developments. Kate has really started to grasp things well and has thus found a new world of playing with toys. She stares so seriously at them and of course brings them all to her mouth. Her favorite is a little blanket/bear from her bedding set that her Dad has named, pinky. She gets pinky whenever Mommy really wants to get something done.

Kate has started making a really cute gurgling sound and has started smacking her lips. If you do these things to her, she thinks they are hilarious and sometimes replicates them herself. She is such a chatty girl, and if you leave the room she is in, she will start talking loudly for you to come back. When you come back in the room she gives you an ear to ear smile.

One of the biggest developments is that she is rolling over both ways. It is early for her to be doing this, but she loves the new found mobility. She so much wants to be a big girl. When she first started rolling over it was almost like an accident. Now she does this on her desire, which yesterday was every time I put her on her back! The only problem is she doesn't like being on her tummy that much and after a few minutes starts fussing for me to roll her back. She can roll from her tummy to her back, but hasn't developed this at will yet. It was her trick for the day yesterday.

She loves to try and sit up in all of her seats. She lurches forward as if she is trying to escape, which she probably is. Kate loves her Bumbo seat and we bring it with us whenever we go out to eat. She sits in the middle of our table like a big girl and creates quite the stir with the other restaurant goers.

Kate also loves staring at herself in the mirror. If Kate catches eye contact with someone she pretty much smiles. So when Kate catches herself in the mirror, she smiles. Then she sees "the baby" in the mirror smiling, so she smiles even bigger. Seeing "the baby" smile bigger makes her laugh. Seeing "the baby" laugh makes her laugh harder. It is like a cute circular argument and a great trick for when she is fussy.

One of my favorite things she does is give kisses. Considering how many kisses she gets herself, it is not a surprise she's figured it out herself. Our baby girl has been such fun and quite the handful!

CLICK HERE for Video of Kate Rolling Over!
CLICK HERE for Video of Kate Gurgling!
CLICK HERE for Video of Kate and Her Nana!


Anonymous said...

Is this child OBVIOUSLY gifted or WHAT??? What a doll with her gurgling, rolling over and mimicing her grandma! We are SO eager to hold and love her in TWO WEEKS! We love you all! Gammie and Pop Pop

Anonymous said...

Buy many, many pinky blankets. Trust me on this one!! Buy as many as you can!

Love a mom of a child with a lovey that we can't find an emergency replacement anywhere!