Thursday, October 25, 2012

Megan Summer 2012

 How can words really capture our little Meggie?  Oh Megan, you are such a lovable little sprite.  Megan had a great summer this year, and through it became a big girl right before our eyes.  She seems so old to me for 2, but I suppose that's because she has a big sister.  

She is our spunky little Megan always happy to make someone laugh, and boy does she have a good one herself.

Megan thinks everything Kate does is awesome, even if she can't do it "herselp".  Right Mama?  Megan doesn't quite pronounce her fs and it is just adorable.  She also says right about 100 times a day.  She pretty much gives us a running dialogue of what she is thinking and we love it.  Right?
I hope I never forget its sound, or the sound of her asking Brian or I to "nuggle" with her.

We had a great summer hanging out, swimming at the pool, and  playing at the lake.  It was a great way to beat the heat.

 Megan showed us time and time again her incredible fearlessness, and even started swimming by the end of the summer. She wants to try and do everything Kate does.   I love this series of pictures of Megan with her Uncle Eric.  I think it really kind of captures what life with Megan is like.  She always keeps you on your toes.

 Megan loves fishing showing, again showing her fearlessness, and her desire to do it "herselp".  Whenever we try and help her she screeches and pulls away.

As fearless as she is sometimes she can really be quite a scaredy-cat.  She is very afraid of the dark, bugs, and big rides.  She thinks Kate going on big rides is awesome, but she will stick with the boat, her favorite.

 Megan loved her dance class this summer and her purple ballet outfit.  Megan LOVES purple.  I mean LOVES purple.  It is neat to me how she gravitated to another favorite than her sister, and I can see her really establishing her own little identity in the last few months.

 Megan loved VBS and was amazing at remembering and singing the songs.  She seems very musically inclined.   When we would be playing in the yard I could always count on her to hear the ice cream truck.  Everyone else would be oblivious, but Megan would shout with wide eyes, "I hear I Cream Truck."  I really didn't mind as it was a fun summer event.

 Megan also  loves playing with trains and her "best prend" Jakey!

Megan is really beyond sweet and loves animals.  She is really into Bambi and we took her to a feed the deer park in Wisconsin.  She literally did not stop talking the entire time.  Megan's excitement is uncontainable, and we love that about her.

Besides deer Megan loves ponies and horses.  This is Megan on her horse she named Gaga at the Gaga  park.  When she gets on she says, "Cowgirl Meggie.  Riding the Cowboy."  Sometimes I'm not quite sure where she gets her material.

 Meggie has such an exuberance for life and we love her for it.

That's Cool! Right Mama?

She is our precious princess and we had quite the summer.

Here are some videos of Meg that just capture her perfectly. 

Megan's Hole in One!

MVI 4419 from Elizabeth Davies on Vimeo.

Megan at the Deer Park

MVI 4449 from Elizabeth Davies on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Summer of Kate

Everyone in the Davies household had a great summer, but especially our little Kate.  Actually, little doesn't do such a good job of describing her anymore.  She is certainly turning into a sweet, smart, energetic, and beautiful girl.   Kate is truly good-hearted through and through.  She cares for her sister and new little brother and loves them both so  much.   She is such a people-pleaser and such an easy kid to love.   She is adventurous, fun loving, and pretty darn athletic.  She certainly has had a summer of fun and one you can see in the pictures below.

Kate is awesome at fishing.  That includes casting, setting the hook, reeling them in, and selecting her worms.  By the way, the girlier you look fishing the better.

As a well rounded little 4 year old Kate also adores baking with her Nana, and ballet, or dance team as she calls it.

 Swimming is by far Kate's favorite activity.  She is literally a fish in the water and will stay in it for hours and hours.  She amazed the lifeguards with her skills and even started doing the backstroke.  Her favorite accomplishment was making it to the top of the rock climbing wall.  Kate was completely inspired by the Olympics and Missy Franklin this summer .  Kate and Megan would cheer for her when she swam and shout, "Go, Missy Go!"  Kate always wanted someone from the United "Stakes" to win.  She also begged me to let her be in the swim races so we will have to see.  Considering she started to master flip turns by the end of the summer we might have a future swim-teamer on our hands.

One of Kate's favorite swimming spots was Valley Lake.  She learned to Kayak this summer and spent hours diving, flipping, and spinning in the water.

We even enjoyed a few evenings at Sunrise Beach on Lake Michigan.

Kate gets to show of her bravery at our summer staple of Great America with the Little Dipper being her favorite ride.

Vacation Bible School was awesome and Kate loved it.  She sang all the songs with such faith it was so sweet.   She also loved being with her friends and her boyfriend Jackson.  Kate has informed me that she is going to marry Jackson because the other boys are kind of shy.  She also told me that she would like her wedding at the Botanic Gardens and that the bridesmaids can wear rainbow dresses.  I told her not to rush things as we have a little time to firm up the plans.

 Kate's favorite show around the house is Doc McStuffins and she has become the resident Doctor of the house giving all her babies, animals, and siblings check-ups.  Megan is simultaneously her most willing and difficult patient.

One of our favorite evening activities is Kate leading the way on our family walks.  Kate is very very interested in being the leader all the time.  

One of Kate's favorite favorite activities is playing baseball with her Daddy.  She has a great swing and can really hit the ball well even on the fly.  I think it is because of her great coach.

 I love this picture of Kate in a dress that was mine growing up!

Our sweet Kate.

 So not the most fun event, but one that deserves chronicling is Kate's broken tibia. She did it goofing around with her sister, cousin, and uncle.  She stepped funny and broke her poor little leg. Kate will be in a cast for 4 weeks, but after three has started walking a bit.  It has not been fun for all involved, but the leg is getting better and she is too.  Kate has really enjoyed the presents, cards, and special attention from her family and friends.

She has been quite the trooper, and she has had two great doctors helping her feel better.

 Hopefully soon she will be back in action leading the way on all of our family adventures!