Saturday, February 2, 2008

Visit From Gammy

Gammy arrived to see Kate on Thursday and it has been so nice to have her with us. The pediatrician said we are not suppossed to take Kate out into public places because of flu season for 4 weeks until her immune system builds a little. I have been especially appreciative of the company during the day and the help watching her so I can get out of the house. I have been to the grocery store, the mall, and the gym to walk on a treadmill, and it has been wonderful to get out. Gammy describes Kate as a peaceful baby which she certainly is. Kate is especially so just after she is fed and gives us her really big smiles. She doesn't really cry as much as squeaks and fidgets. We had two rougher nights of sleep after the last post as Kate wanted to party all night, but yesterday Kate was awesome sleeping from 11-9 waking up twice to be fed and changed. It is amazing how just a few hours of uninterrupted sleep can make you feel so refreshed. We love our little girl so much, even the sleepless nights are fun (in retrospect)!

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