Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Megan!

Megan turned one on Sunday. It's hard to believe our little Megan is already a year old. I can't believe my little baby is so big. The good part is I remember how much I love this stage. This beginning walking and talking stage is just so fun. Megan is just recently really starting to explode on the language front. I love language acquisition and love that Meg's first words (which she has said for some time) were


She has also developed a good
Da-da, Na-Na, and Te-Te, (K,K)and Pa in recent weeks, looking right at or pointing to the correct person.

She has recognized her first TV character "Da!" at first and now "Doh-Dah" for Dora.

Megan has mastered her first animal sound while playing with our Fisher Price Nativity Set, if you show her the sheep or ask her what sound a sheep makes she proudly exclaims, "Baaaaaa!" She has even learned,"Ba-be" for Babies starting with Jake of course . She cutely picks up toy phones or real ones, puts it to her ear, and says, "Hi" in the sweetest voice you have ever heard.
Most recently, Megan has started walking! She stands unassisted and smiles from ear to ear as she takes a couple steps. Sometimes when she stands she claps for herself. Over the last few days she has become really steady and is now almost solely walking. She really mastered it quickly and really didn't fall much. I kind of miss the hand over hand, quick crawler in the house but walking is a fun stage too.

I teach a gymboree like class at our church for pre-preschoolers on Fridays which has been very successful. I credit this class with a lot of Megan's recent development including the recognition of her first body part, her head, and repeating the words bubbles and ball. Whenever we sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes she arches her back in attention, opens her eyes in focus, brings her hands to her head, and says, " Heeeaaadd."

She has also started to clap, stomp her feet, and shout hooray, during If you're happy and you know it. Megan proudly says E-I, E-I when we sing Old McDonald, twists and jumps appropriately in our opening song, and gets so excited to pop the bubbles and play parachute. You can really tell she is very aware of what is going on around her and boy is she spunky! She is very social with other people and shouts "Hi!" whenever we go places. She has a lot of spirit and seems to constantly be "getting into things." She blows raspberries, clicks her tongue, howls like an Indian with her mouth and hand, and does this crazy little shaking of her head no. Her aunt KK started calling her a little gremlin for her mischievous streak and that has progressed to the nickname of Gizmo.

She still has the prettiest blue eyes and a pretty thick head of hair that is starting to curl at the ends. It's really fun to see Meg's personality develop. She is very very happy, smiley, and giggles all the time. Megan has A LOT of spunk and certainly makes herself known through the house. She throws herself backwards on the floor, thrashes her legs to be tickled, and squeals until we do. Her laugh is adorable. She gives great kisses and shouts Awww after she gives them, and she is still so snuggly.
As you can see it's a fun time in the Davies house, and we have some video of Megan below. My favorite is how on her birthday we all sang to her and she looked around in amazement that all the attention was on her. She enjoys being in the spotlight. We love you our little one-year-old Megan and writing about you just brings a huge smile to my face!


Katie and Ben said...

We love our little Gizmo :) Great post Beth! You really captured what Megan is like.

Aunt KK & Uncle Ben

Anonymous said...

What joy to see Megan and Kate AND you both! Our visit was just perfect and you are terrific hosts. We miss you already! Love, Gammie and Pops

The Libutti Family said...

Happy birthday Meggie!! What a beautiful, lively spirit she is and we are all blessed to have her in our lives!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with her precious smile. What a beautiful little girl you have (well, two!)
Hopefully we can see you guys soon ...
xoxo, Annette