Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun

Brian and I decided to celebrate the first Halloween in our new home with a Halloween party,and it was so much fun! Between all of our guests, we had 11 kids 5 and under, and if you combine all their energy and excitement with an inflated sugar high, the result is our best Halloween ever!

Kate, as you might have guessed from earlier blog posts, was Cinderella, and she loved every minute of it! Unfortunately, Cinderella never wore gym shoes, so Kate wouldn't either. So picture with me a two year girl trying to keep up with her friends, all while wearing Cinderella heels! Thankfully, after a few houses she finally relented and switched to the gym shoes. Kate also enjoyed greeting all the folks with "Trick or treat!", as well as "Have a good night!" as she walked away. What a sweet Cinderella!

Megan as always loved all the action and giggled at everyone's costumes. She is the happiest 9 month old ever and Halloween night was no exception.Here our some pics below to give you a flavor of our Halloween "season". Kate had a parade at preschool and our town has a Halloween fest that was very sweet. Hope your Halloween was as fun as ours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved these pictures of your sweet girls.....they're special treats for sure! Love, LW