Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Megan 9 Months

Our little Megan is now 9 months and couldn't be any cuter. She is very interactive, happy, responsive, and spunky. She has a cute little ahh- ahh social laugh and a deep full bellied fun laugh. She claps, plays peek-a-boo, blows raspberries, and says Mama. We've given up baby food in favor of self-feeding, and she cut her bottom two teeth just after 7 months. After army crawling and dragging herself around our house for about two months, she has just decided that the traditional form of crawling will do. Quickly after traditional crawling Megan has begun to pull herself to a standing position. 9 months is my favorite baby age and I just love everything that follows from here. Meggie brings a smile to our faces all the time. She makes sure her presence in known in the house and loves anything her sister does. Now that Megan is mobile she and Kate have had to "work some thing out". We are coming to realize that Meg is not a push-over, which is good for a second sister. Megan also seems to have a real love for music. We're not quite sure where she got that from but she gets very excited, claps, and squeals along to her favorite songs. She is very joyous and we are so thankful for all the joy she brings into our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that smile just the greatest? Megan is a real ray of sunshine and laughs with her whole body! She has real personality and spunk. What an angel she is! We SO enjoyed our time with her and Kate AND YOU! Love, Gammie and Pop Pop