Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thanks Gammy and Pop Pop

Last week Brian's Mom and Dad, Gammy and Pop Pop, came to Michigan for a visit. It was kind of a last hurrah for Linda before her foot surgery (which turned out well and she is currently recovering from.) As always we had a great time. We were able to go out for many nice meals and had a few good ones at home too. Brian and his Dad did a bunch of little projects around the house over the few days, which Wa is great at. Thanks so much! We were also on a quest to purchase a larger rug for Kate to have a larger, cushier play area in our family room. Three Home Depot trips and returns later we had success. We are always so thankful to have family visit!

Also, on the trip Gammy and Pop Pop brought Kate a special present. It was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD. Now we don't let Kate watch much TV and up until a little while ago she didn't watch any. One morning while I was in Chicago my Mom graciously cared for Kate when she woke up a little on the early side. My Mom introduced Kate to the magical world of Disney that day. Kate got so excited to see Mickey and the Disney characters, it was too cute to deprive her of this joy. We now let her watch a few minutes here and there, and with the new DVD we have adorable episodes on hand. We taped Kate watching a little of Mickey below. As Brian says, "It's not hard to see why Walt Disney is a billionaire."

CLICK HERE for Video of Kate Watching Mickey!


Amy said...

I always "joke" and say that I'm ready for Lance to watch TV. He still won't sit and watch anything, and he's over 18 months old. Baby Einstein didn't even work! Adam and I are always telling each other to just keep smiling....

Anonymous said...

It was such fun to catch up on Kate's can just tell from these pictures that she's FUN! I think you'll love each successive stage best.....until possibly when she hits 13! Love, Luke's Grammy

Winterhoff Family said...

Luke listened to the Hot Dog Dance (while I watched the video of Kate) and was bobbing his head and squealing... I think I know what song they are going to choose for their "First Dance" together!

Anonymous said...

Gotta Love that Mickey Mouse!
Maybe Kate can dress up as Minnie, Luke as Mickey!
Soon it will be time for her to watch "The Jerk"
Love, Nana

Anonymous said...

What pure joy to see Kate SO enjoying the songs! We laughed so hard at the comments, too. She certainly is a live-wire and SO much fun. Love, Gammie and Pop Pop