Thursday, June 7, 2007

Snake Free! (Hopefully)

A couple of weeks ago I had an encounter with a rather large snake by the shed in our back yard. I tried very hard not to exaggerate in describing it to Brian as I told him it was as thick as a garden hose and about two feet long. I don't think he quite believed me until today. After dinner I went to go water my garden and in a neat little coil on the sidewalk outside our shed was... The Snake. I yelled for Brian who came over with a shovel as The Snake tried to slither under the foundation of the shed. Brian valiantly hacked at the snake with the shovel severing it in two. He's my hero! One half of the snake is now hopefully dead under our shed and the other half is disposed of in the woods next to our house. When I asked him if it was as big as I described, he said The Snake was actually about 4 feet in length and certainly as thick as a garden hose! Creepy. I just hope this snake was the only one, that we don't have a nest of snakes under our shed, that this particular snake is not a poisonous variety, and that snakes are not like worms and can regrow severed parts. Now it is on to our mole or groundhog problem. We haven't quite decided yet what we're dealing with. I was feeling a little like Bill Murray in Caddy Shack today and I tried to flood out some of the tunnels as I watered. Every where I turned though I thought I saw another snake. I was still a little jittery from earlier. I actually feel I have been extremely brave during all of our critter escapades here in Michigan, but I have to admit not as brave as Brian, now the Great Snake Hunter.

After googling Michigan snakes here is the info I found. I believe our friend was an Eastern Garter Snake.


Anonymous said...

Brain and Beth:

There is an easy way to get rid of the snakes--hire Bindy Irwin! Yes, the daughter of the late great Croc Hunter now has her own show. You should email her and invite her out to do a show on the snakes under your shed!

Hope all is well,

The Libutti Family said...

You are both most certainly brave!! I get the shivers just reading about your snake and the shovel. Yuck.