Friday, August 30, 2013

Sisterly Love

I love these two girls so much and I am thrilled to say they love each other. They are always looking out for each other, share, and are really playing well together. The other day at preschool open house I could see Meggie whispering in Kate's ear, "I love you sissy." Kate was snuggling with Megan the other day and was explaining, "One day Mom and Dad will be in heaven and all will have is each other so we have to be best friends."  Love them so much. 


Anonymous said...

What a special bond these two share and you have modeled this with K-K, Bethie! Sisters are wonderful and ARE there for each other after parents are gone. Love from Gammie Davies

Claudia said...

That is so sweet! Having a sister and two brothers myself I can assure that I would never want to be without them, even if they live not around the corner.
