Saturday, August 31, 2013

Kate the Kindergartener

Our little cutie has officially started kindergarten.  Kate was so excited for her first day.  She was up very early in anticipation and we all walked the 4 blocks to school.  As I suspect will be a pattern with our little girl, Kate led the way. Charging ahead of us, I asked her if she knew how to get to school.  She plainly stated, " Of course!  I've been going to that park since I was 3 and I lead the family every time." How silly of me to ask!  She then let us know that tomorrow she could do the walk by herself. I think we'll hold off on that.
The first day was a huge success and a nice transition for us as it is only half days.  Kate has informed us that she just loves school and is so glad it is every day. I asked her what her favorite part was and she smiled and said, "Making new friends." She is just too sweet.   On the second night she told her Daddy, "I hope I don't have trouble falling asleep like last night. I was just so excited for Kindergarten.".  Kate has a wonderful teacher who seems to really like her, and I know she will do great.
 Through this milestone experience I can hear everyone telling me to enjoy the days of babies because they grow up so fast.  How true.  I feel like yesterday I was ineptly loading Kate into our brand new car seat and bringing her home from the hospital.  Today we stand outside the kindergarten doors waving as she excitedly walks into a building where she will be on her own to learn and grow and become that special person I can see in her already. I'm sure the rest will go equally as fast, but I can say I enjoyed her as my little bear and am treasuring all our wonderful moments with Kate the Kindergartener. I'm just not in a hurry for her to get any bigger.  Kate on the other hand is a different story. When people ask her if she is in Kindergarten now, she excitedly replies, "Yes, and next year I'll be in first grade!".   Slow down my little Kate. Each day is a gift to be treasured as we treasure you. 


Anonymous said...

I was happy to take the walk with her for her big day, how fast time goes, was it not a few years ago I dropped off Beth???

Anonymous said...

Time DOES go by so fast! Each stage with children has its beauty as we parents see our gifts from God grow and become the people we had hoped they would be. Kate the kindergartner-cannot wait to see her and hear all about it! Love, Gammie