Monday, March 28, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

My Mom went to the wholesalers convention in Las Vegas a few weeks ago for her on-line business and was nice enough to bring me along. It is great to be an employee of Finer Things. The business is really taking off and we have expanded to our own website and started selling on Amazon. As you can see there are some really good perks as an employee. The trip was wonderful. It was so nice to be in warmer weather, see the sights, and relax. We had an amazing time! We ate some incredible meals, swam in the pool at Paris, enjoyed the Bellagio fountains, did a little business, and I even found out I'm a pretty good poker player. What fun to spend a few days just me and my Mommy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds and looks like you both had a wonderful time! We all need that once in a while! Love, Gammie and Pop Pop