Saturday, January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a great Christmas and New Year's at the Davies house! This season was extra special as it was Megan's first Christmas, and the first that Kate was really into. We had everyone dressed Christmas Eve in their finest and hosted my family for presents, Italian beef, and mostaccholi.

It is a little hard to get a good picture of the four of us these days. I post the picture below just to show how difficult it can be to get a picture of an almost three year old who is not cooperating. I don't think she quite understands the lengths a Mom goes to in coordinating outfits and getting everyone dressed.
Kate was so excited for Santa and asked for a Mickey Mouse Fishing Pole and the Twins Babies, which Santa of course delivered. In the morning when we came down the stairs, we showed Kate the cookies where gone and she said with shock, "Oh no, Swiper!" We explained to her that it was indeed Santa who ate our cookies and she calmed down. Our little "elf" Megan was happy to tear open presents as well Christmas morning.
We also had the fun of "giving" Megan the toy train for Christmas.
She loved it!
Her sister enjoyed it again too!
Our Christmas Day outfits for the girls. I had an entire closest this year of Christmas clothes for the girls (seriously our guest room)!

We even had two sets of matching pajamas!Some of the big present hits this year:
One of Kate's favorite present was a little computer where she practices writing her letters. She does a great A and H and is now very close on writing her name.
Megan's favorite was a Dora book that has its own little MP3 player. She yells "Doh-Dah" anytime she sees it.Kate got her "twins" babies!
And after all the oodles of toys were opened what did the kids play with most of the night? The cans in the pantry!!!
We had a great week of relaxing and then welcomed in 2011 with style!
We spent it with our friends the Martins and had a great kid-filled New Year.

And since I've been just a little busy in the days that led up to the holidays, and had some computer problems that limited my blogging this month, below is what our wonderful days were filled with.
Our church had a kid's pagent and Kate was a little too interested in the baby Jesus!

Kate had a Christmas party at Pre-school that Mommy and Daddy got to attend.
Kate was very excited to show us the circle at school where she reads. I love this picture because it is a good shot of her pigtails.
She was also very excited to pose with her teachers Miss Donna and Miss Julie.

Uncle Ben taught Kate the art of dunking cookies.

We took many many pictures in our outfits in front of the Christmas tree, the one below is my favorite.
We took so many Kate insisted on taking pictures of her babies in front of the tree, cute one and little one in that order below!

And an extra special bonus, our little Megan started walking on her own, the Friday before Christmas! She was exactly the same age as Kate was to the day for taking her first steps. I will post more adorable pictures of her unassisted walking soon.

As you can see we had a great fun-filled Holiday!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post! I feel like we were there enjoying Christmas with you all! I think one of my favorite pics was Kate and Megan playing with food rather than all their new toys! KIDS! See you in a little over a week! Thanks for blogging-I know it is not easy to find the time to do it! You will be SOOO happy you did it in years hence! Love, Gams and Pops

Anonymous said...

Your girls make us smile! May 2011 bring special blessings to all of you! Love, LW