Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hockey Fun

We've signed Kate up for All-Star Sports Camp at the Park District. Basically the kids run around for half an hour with a somewhat focused sports day. So far we've had basketball which Kate loved. She actually had an impressive shot for a two-year old complete with follow-through, which she most certainly didn't inherit from either of her shooting challenged parents. Her favorite part of hockey was probably playing What Time is it Mr. Fox?
Megan loves the mornings as well, smiling and shouting at people from her snugli.Hockey was a big hit, but not as big of a hit as our adorable girls were in their matching tracksuits!


Anonymous said...

It's all about the outfits! After all, they are FEMALES! Adorable! Love, Gammie and Pop Pop

Anonymous said...

Love, Ginger

Anonymous said...

Beth, Brian may not have mentioned, but when he played JV BB, the coach installed a special play to free Brian to shoot a three. (which they ran rather infrequently - Brian was more a Jim Luskotoff-type player)-

Anonymous said...

Those adorable girls could actually turn me into a hockey fan! Love, LW

Carlin Family said...

Ok, those little pink track suits are the Bomb. Matching outfits like those make any activity look like fun!!!

Carlin Family said...

Ok, those little pink track suits are the Bomb. Matching outfits like those make any activity look like fun!!!