Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our Future Olympian

We've gotten to do a lot of neat activities with Kate lately and realized that many of them are in the spirit of the Olympics. For her 2nd birthday my brother and sister and their significant others bought Brian, Kate, and myself tickets to Disney on Ice. They were in the front row and Kate loved the action. She oohed, ahhed, and clapped for the Princesses and the Mickey characters. Surprisingly, she made it through the whole thing. I don't know if it was a better present for Kate or for us, and it could possibly foster an ice skating future for our little one. Another fun activity we've enjoyed is sledding on the incline by my parents' house. Kate is an adventurous little girl and as you can see from the video below enjoys a little speed which leads us to believe we just might have a future Olympian on our hands!

Perhaps Kate will be a summer Olympian...We recently joined the Y and started Perch swim lessons with Kate. It is possibly the cutest half hour of my life. My cheeks are sore from smiling when we are done. Kate loves them, listens to the teacher, and is picking up some good skills. It is a blast.


lolymama said...

What fun you are having! When you are ready to perfect some of those ice skating moves, you always have a free pass at the Honey Grove Ice Arena where Mom (Beth)perfected her spin!

Anonymous said...

What adorable pics and video! Kate is so cute! AND what a daredevil on the slopes! She will be all set for the lake and pool this summer. Can't wait to see you all soon!!!! It has been too long. Love, Gammie and Pops