Thursday, January 28, 2010

Princess Kate the Chatterbox

Our little two year old has been quite chatty lately and what she says is so adorable. Here are some of the adorable little things Kate has been saying.

The other day in the car she was babbling about a tower, a frog, and a castle and then declared, "Mommy, I Princess Kate! Find Kate Castle, Find Castle Kate!" Later that day she was lining up all of her princess figurines (fig-ines as she calls them), and cutely sat next to them in line because clearly she was the 7th princess. She still walks around the house saying, "I Princess Kate."

At her party the kids found it fun to run from one end of the house to the other. They would line up and take off. Kate would adorably yell, "Come on Kids, Follow Me." She would shout this every time they ran regardless of where she was in the pack, though mostly she was in the front. When her cousin Tommy lagged behind Kate quickly pulled him back to the crowd shouting, "Tommy, Where are you? There you are. Come On Tommy."

Since Brian works so close to home he makes it home for lunch and started taking Kate for a "run" when the weather permits so she can have some much needed energy release. Brian walks and Kate runs this little loop around our sub. One day she tripped and fell into a snow bank. Brian picked her up, brushed her off, and she cutely said, "Thanks Daddy, its slippery." She fell again shortly after and said, "Oh, no! Not again."

Whenever we are in the car and go down a hill that Kate notices she shouts,"Weee." When we return to flat land she says, "Oh no! All done Weee."
The other day she saw a picture of herself on the computer and said, "That's Kate. I so cute."
And perhaps my favorite, Kate ran to me to be picked up. When I did she said, "I so happy. I missed you Mommy." Such joy!

Another thing our two year old knows is how to work her portable DVD player. She knows how to put in the DVDs, change them, turn the player on, and what buttons to push to perform different operations. She is such a sponge soaking up everything, and she actually picks up a lot from the TV we let her see. She now sometimes chooses to count in Spanish, only up to five, thanks to Dora and Diego. As you can see from the picture above she is very serious about her player. I call this face her Brian face because he has the same expression when concentrating. We are having so much fun everyday with our little Kate! (Though, she is starting to not seem quite as little.) She is such a fun kid and truly good at heart.


Anonymous said...

Bethie-I am SO happy you and Cheryl chronicle these things-you will be SO happy when you are my (young)(ha ha) age! These stories and pictures are priceless. Kate TRULY is a princess! I can just hear her saying some of these things. Praise God for healthy and wonderful children! Love, Gammiechamall

Anonymous said...

What a sweet little character Kate is....and a princess for sure! What fun to have her be so you a window into her mind! Love, LW

Winterhoff Family said...

I always look forward to your Kate updates, b/c it gives me an idea of what to look forward to with Luke in the next few months. I love some of her phrases- Those stories made me smile. Hope you are getting good sleep and that your newest little princess is continuing to be laid back for you! Talk soon. Love, Carrie

Tammy Hasheider said...

I too look forward to updates. We miss you guys so much. And it blows my mind how much Kate and Abby are alike. Abby is also obsessed with Dora right now. They would be the best of friends. I love reading about your incredibly happy family. Beth, you look so happy and beautiful. You and Brian do good work! --Tammy Hasheider