Friday, May 16, 2008

Kate 4 Month Pictures

We have lots of pictures of Kate from her 4th month. I can't believe how much she's changed and that we have a 4 month old! I think it's even neat to see how much she's changed from the beginning of the month to the end. She is quite the cutie in our unbiased opinions of course.
CLICK HERE for Kate's 4 Month Pictures!


Anonymous said...

Bethie and Brian and Kate-we just got off from the webcam and watched Kate with her rattle-what strength she has!!! Just like her mom and dad! She slams that and really seems to like the movement and noise. ONE WEEK and we see and hold you all! Have fun with Cindy! We love you toooo much. Mommy and Daddy/Linda and Wa/Gammie and Pop Pop

Amy said...


It's been almost two years since we saw you at Pate's wedding. Somehow I got access to your blog address - you either gave it to me then (if you were even doing it then) or I came across it in our move. We recently moved to State College, PA, where Adam is working on his master's and eventually his doctorate in kinesiology. Quite a change. We are about four hours from NY City. How far are Brian's parents? I don't remember at all. Anyways, congrats on Kate. Looks like things are going well. I've got a blog, too. It's a much easier way to keep everyone up-to-date. Check it out -

Moving is quite the leap of faith, isn't it? I'm in awe that you guys did it so often - not that it was much of a choice. I'm having a hard time adjusting. I'm just a city girl at heart, and I miss Chicago greatly! Be in touch!